Class CefClientHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class CefClientHandler
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CefNative
    Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CefClientHandler

        public CefClientHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • setNativeRef

        public void setNativeRef​(java.lang.String identifer,
                                 long nativeRef)
        Description copied from interface: CefNative
        Method is called by the native code to store a reference to an implemented native JNI counterpart.
        Specified by:
        setNativeRef in interface CefNative
        identifer - The name of the interface class (e.g. CefFocusHandler).
        nativeRef - The reference to the native code.
      • getNativeRef

        public long getNativeRef​(java.lang.String identifer)
        Description copied from interface: CefNative
        Method is called by the native code to get the reference to an previous stored identifier.
        Specified by:
        getNativeRef in interface CefNative
        identifer - The name of the interface class (e.g. CefFocusHandler).
        The stored reference value of the native code.
      • dispose

        protected void dispose()
      • getBrowser

        protected abstract CefBrowser getBrowser​(int identifier)
        Returns the java part of the browser implementation.
        identifer - the unique identifier of the browser.
        The found browser or null if none is found.
      • getAllBrowser

        protected abstract java.lang.Object[] getAllBrowser()
        Returns a list of all browser instances.
        an array of browser Instances.
      • getContextMenuHandler

        protected abstract CefContextMenuHandler getContextMenuHandler()
        Return the handler for context menus. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used.
      • getDialogHandler

        protected abstract CefDialogHandler getDialogHandler()
        Return the handler for dialogs. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used.
      • getDisplayHandler

        protected abstract CefDisplayHandler getDisplayHandler()
        Return the handler for browser display state events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getDownloadHandler

        protected abstract CefDownloadHandler getDownloadHandler()
        Return the handler for download events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getDragHandler

        protected abstract CefDragHandler getDragHandler()
        Return the handler for drag events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getFocusHandler

        protected abstract CefFocusHandler getFocusHandler()
        Return the handler for focus events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getJSDialogHandler

        protected abstract CefJSDialogHandler getJSDialogHandler()
        Return the handler for javascript dialog requests. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getKeyboardHandler

        protected abstract CefKeyboardHandler getKeyboardHandler()
        Return the handler for keyboard events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getLifeSpanHandler

        protected abstract CefLifeSpanHandler getLifeSpanHandler()
        Return the handler for browser life span events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getLoadHandler

        protected abstract CefLoadHandler getLoadHandler()
        Return the handler for browser load status events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getRenderHandler

        protected abstract CefRenderHandler getRenderHandler()
        Return the handler for off-screen rendering events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getRequestHandler

        protected abstract CefRequestHandler getRequestHandler()
        Return the handler for browser request events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • getWindowHandler

        protected abstract CefWindowHandler getWindowHandler()
        Return the handler for windowed rendering events. This method is a callback method and is called by the native code.
      • removeDialogHandler

        protected void removeDialogHandler​(CefDialogHandler h)
      • removeDisplayHandler

        protected void removeDisplayHandler​(CefDisplayHandler h)
      • removeDownloadHandler

        protected void removeDownloadHandler​(CefDisplayHandler h)
      • removeDragHandler

        protected void removeDragHandler​(CefDragHandler h)
      • removeFocusHandler

        protected void removeFocusHandler​(CefFocusHandler h)
      • removeLoadHandler

        protected void removeLoadHandler​(CefLoadHandler h)
      • removeMessageRouter

        protected void removeMessageRouter​(CefMessageRouter h)
      • removeRenderHandler

        protected void removeRenderHandler​(CefRenderHandler h)
      • removeRequestHandler

        protected void removeRequestHandler​(CefRequestHandler h)
      • removeWindowHandler

        protected void removeWindowHandler​(CefWindowHandler h)