Interface CefRenderHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CefClient, CefRenderHandlerAdapter

    public interface CefRenderHandler
    Implement this interface to handle events when window rendering is disabled. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread.
    • Method Detail

      • getViewRect

        java.awt.Rectangle getViewRect​(CefBrowser browser)
        Retrieve the view rectangle.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        The view rectangle.
      • getScreenInfo

        boolean getScreenInfo​(CefBrowser browser,
                              CefScreenInfo screenInfo)
        Retrieve the screen info.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        screenInfo - The screenInfo
        True if this callback was handled. False to fallback to defaults.
      • getScreenPoint

        java.awt.Point getScreenPoint​(CefBrowser browser,
                                      java.awt.Point viewPoint)
        Retrieve the screen point for the specified view point.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        viewPoint - The point in the view.
        The screen point.
      • onPopupShow

        void onPopupShow​(CefBrowser browser,
                         boolean show)
        Show or hide the popup window.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        show - True if the popup window is being shown.
      • onPopupSize

        void onPopupSize​(CefBrowser browser,
                         java.awt.Rectangle size)
        Size the popup window.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        size - Size of the popup window.
      • onPaint

        void onPaint​(CefBrowser browser,
                     boolean popup,
                     java.awt.Rectangle[] dirtyRects,
                     java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                     int width,
                     int height)
        Handle painting.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        popup - True if painting a popup window.
        dirtyRects - Array of dirty regions.
        buffer - Pixel buffer for the whole window.
        width - Width of the buffer.
        height - Height of the buffer.
      • onCursorChange

        void onCursorChange​(CefBrowser browser,
                            int cursor)
        Handle cursor changes.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        cursor - The new cursor.
      • startDragging

        boolean startDragging​(CefBrowser browser,
                              CefDragData dragData,
                              int mask,
                              int x,
                              int y)
        Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual information about the dragged content is supplied by dragData. OS APIs that run a system message loop may be used within the StartDragging call. Return false to abort the drag operation. Don't call any of CefBrowser-dragSource*Ended* methods after returning false. Return true to handle the drag operation. Call CefBrowser.dragSourceEndedAt and CefBrowser.ragSourceSystemDragEnded either synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag operation has ended.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        dragData - Contextual information about the dragged content
        mask - Describes the allowed operation (none, move, copy, link).
        x - Coordinate within CefBrowser
        y - Coordinate within CefBrowser
        false to abort the drag operation or true to handle the drag operation.
      • updateDragCursor

        void updateDragCursor​(CefBrowser browser,
                              int operation)
        Called when the web view wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & drop operation.
        browser - The browser generating the event.
        operation - Describes the allowed operation (none, move, copy, link).