Class CefCookie

  • public final class CefCookie
    extends java.lang.Object
    Cookie information.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.util.Date creation
      The cookie creation date.
      java.lang.String domain
      If domain is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain cookie.
      java.util.Date expires  
      boolean hasExpires
      The cookie expiration date is only valid if |has_expires| is true.
      boolean httponly
      If httponly is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests.
      java.util.Date lastAccess
      The cookie last access date.
      java.lang.String name
      The cookie name.
      java.lang.String path
      If path is non-empty only URLs at or below the path will get the cookie value.
      boolean secure
      If secure is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTPS requests.
      java.lang.String value
      The cookie value.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      CefCookie​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String path, boolean secure, boolean httponly, java.util.Date creation, java.util.Date lastAccess, boolean hasExpires, java.util.Date expires)  
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public final java.lang.String name
        The cookie name.
      • value

        public final java.lang.String value
        The cookie value.
      • domain

        public final java.lang.String domain
        If domain is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain cookie. Domain cookies are stored with a leading "." and are visible to sub-domains whereas host cookies are not.
      • path

        public final java.lang.String path
        If path is non-empty only URLs at or below the path will get the cookie value.
      • secure

        public final boolean secure
        If secure is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTPS requests.
      • httponly

        public final boolean httponly
        If httponly is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests.
      • creation

        public final java.util.Date creation
        The cookie creation date. This is automatically populated by the system on cookie creation.
      • lastAccess

        public final java.util.Date lastAccess
        The cookie last access date. This is automatically populated by the system on access.
      • hasExpires

        public final boolean hasExpires
        The cookie expiration date is only valid if |has_expires| is true.
      • expires

        public final java.util.Date expires
    • Constructor Detail

      • CefCookie

        public CefCookie​(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String value,
                         java.lang.String domain,
                         java.lang.String path,
                         boolean secure,
                         boolean httponly,
                         java.util.Date creation,
                         java.util.Date lastAccess,
                         boolean hasExpires,
                         java.util.Date expires)