Interface CefResourceHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CefResourceHandler
    Implement this interface to handle custom resource requests. The methods of this class will always be called on the IO thread.
    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        boolean processRequest​(CefRequest request,
                               CefCallback callback)
        Begin processing the request.
        request - The request itself. Cannot be modified in this callback. Instance only valid within the scope of this method.
        callback - Callback to continue or cancel the request.
        True to handle the request and call CefCallback.Continue() once the response header information is available.
      • getResponseHeaders

        void getResponseHeaders​(CefResponse response,
                                IntRef responseLength,
                                StringRef redirectUrl)
        Retrieve response header information. If the response length is not known set |responseLength| to -1 and readResponse() will be called until it returns false. If the response length is known set |responseLength| to a positive value and readResponse() will be called until it returns false or the specified number of bytes have been read. Use the |response| object to set the mime type, http status code and other optional header values.
        response - The request response that should be returned. Instance only valid within the scope of this method.
        responseLength - Optionally set the response length if known.
        redirectUrl - Optionally redirect the request to a new URL.
      • readResponse

        boolean readResponse​(byte[] dataOut,
                             int bytesToRead,
                             IntRef bytesRead,
                             CefCallback callback)
        Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to |bytesToRead| bytes into |dataOut|, set |bytesRead| to the number of bytes copied, and return true. To read the data at a later time set |bytesRead| to 0, return true and call CefCallback.Continue() when the data is available. To indicate response completion return false.
        dataOut - Write data to this buffer.
        bytesToRead - Size of the buffer.
        bytesRead - Number of bytes written to the buffer.
        callback - Callback to execute if data will be available asynchronously.
        True if more data is or will be available.
      • cancel

        void cancel()
        Request processing has been canceled.