Interface CefPrintHandler

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CefPrintHandler
    extends CefNative
    Implement this interface to handle printing on Linux. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread.
    • Method Detail

      • onPrintStart

        void onPrintStart​(CefBrowser browser)
        Called when printing has started. This method will be called before the other onPrint*() methods and irrespective of how printing was initiated (e.g. CefBrowser::print(), JavaScript window.print() or PDF extension print button).
        browser - The corresponding browser.
      • onPrintSettings

        void onPrintSettings​(CefBrowser browser,
                             CefPrintSettings settings,
                             boolean getDefaults)
        Called to get print settings.
        browser - The corresponding browser.
        settings - Populate with the desired print settings. Do not keep a reference to this object outside of this callback.
        getDefaults - If true |settings| should be populated with the default print settings.
      • onPrintDialog

        boolean onPrintDialog​(CefBrowser browser,
                              boolean hasSelection,
                              CefPrintDialogCallback callback)
        Called to show the print dialog.
        browser - The corresponding browser.
        hasSelection - True if the user has selected a region of the page to print.
        callback - Callback to execute after the dialog is dismissed.
        True if the dialog will be displayed or false to cancel the printing immediately.
      • onPrintJob

        boolean onPrintJob​(CefBrowser browser,
                           java.lang.String documentName,
                           java.lang.String pdfFilePath,
                           CefPrintJobCallback callback)
        Called to send the print job to the printer.
        browser - The corresponding browser.
        documentName - Name of the document that is printing.
        pdfFilePath - Path to the PDF file that contains the document contents.
        callback - Callback to execute after the print job has completed.
        True if the job will proceed or false to cancel the printing immediately.
      • onPrintReset

        void onPrintReset​(CefBrowser browser)
        Called to reset client state related to printing.
        browser - The corresponding browser.
      • getPdfPaperSize

        java.awt.Dimension getPdfPaperSize​(int deviceUnitsPerInch)
        Called to retrieve the page size when printToPDF is requested for a browser.
        deviceUnitsPerInch - The DPI of the print. Use this to calculate the page size to use.
        The page size in microns.