Interface CefSchemeRegistrar

  • public interface CefSchemeRegistrar
    Class that manages custom scheme registrations.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean addCustomScheme​(java.lang.String schemeName, boolean isStandard, boolean isLocal, boolean isDisplayIsolated, boolean isSecure, boolean isCorsEnabled, boolean isCspBypassing, boolean isFetchEnabled)
      Register a custom scheme.
    • Method Detail

      • addCustomScheme

        boolean addCustomScheme​(java.lang.String schemeName,
                                boolean isStandard,
                                boolean isLocal,
                                boolean isDisplayIsolated,
                                boolean isSecure,
                                boolean isCorsEnabled,
                                boolean isCspBypassing,
                                boolean isFetchEnabled)
        Register a custom scheme. This method should not be called for the built-in HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, ABOUT and DATA schemes. If |isStandard| is true the scheme will be treated as a standard scheme. Standard schemes are subject to URL canonicalization and parsing rules as defined in the Common Internet Scheme Syntax RFC 1738 Section 3.1 available at In particular, the syntax for standard scheme URLs must be of the form:
        Standard scheme URLs must have a host component that is a fully qualified domain name as defined in Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [13] and Section 2.1 of RFC 1123. These URLs will be canonicalized to "scheme://host/path" in the simplest case and "scheme://username:password@host:port/path" in the most explicit case. For example, "scheme:host/path" and "scheme:///host/path" will both be canonicalized to "scheme://host/path". The origin of a standard scheme URL is the combination of scheme, host and port (i.e., "scheme://host:port" in the most explicit case). For non-standard scheme URLs only the "scheme:" component is parsed and canonicalized. The remainder of the URL will be passed to the handler as-is. For example, "scheme:///some%20text" will remain the same. Non-standard scheme URLs cannot be used as a target for form submission. If |isLocal| is true the scheme will be treated with the same security rules as those applied to "file" URLs. Normal pages cannot link to or access local URLs. Also, by default, local URLs can only perform XMLHttpRequest calls to the same URL (origin + path) that originated the request. To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to other URLs with the same origin set the CefSettings.file_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true. To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to all origins set the CefSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true. If |isDisplayIsolated| is true the scheme can only be displayed from other content hosted with the same scheme. For example, pages in other origins cannot create iframes or hyperlinks to URLs with the scheme. For schemes that must be accessible from other schemes set this value to false, set |is_cors_enabled| to true, and use CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers to further restrict access. If |isSecure| is true the scheme will be treated with the same security rules as those applied to "https" URLs. For example, loading this scheme from other secure schemes will not trigger mixed content warnings. If |isCorsEnabled| is true the scheme that can be sent CORS requests. This value should be true in most cases where |isStandard| is true. If |isCspBypassing| is true the scheme can bypass Content-Security-Policy (CSP) checks. This value should be false in most cases where |isStandard| is true. If |is_fetch_enabled| is true the scheme can perform Fetch API requests. This function may be called on any thread. It should only be called once per unique |schemeName| value. If |schemeName| is already registered or if an error occurs this method will return false.